
Hello Dufourvaarders,
first of all, please excuse the english language. If i try hard enough, i can understand what is written in Dutch, but i am not (yet) able to speak or write in Dutch (i will visit a language course in summer, so i hope that will change someday :slight_smile: )
My name ist Peter, i am 48 and from Germany. But my 30-years old Dufour 24 is located at the yachthavens of Kamperland, Veerse Meer. I am quite a newbie to sailing and the “Swantje” (that is the name of the 24) is my first own yacht. It is meant to practice, practice, practice - and i hope in a few years from now i will upgrade to a larger boat (the Dufour 325 ist one of my actual favorites).
I bought the “Swantje” in spring 2006 and had a lot of fun last year. I hope this years sailing-season (which starts for me in April) will be as nice und relaxing.
As said, the “Swantje” was built in 1976, but underwent an excessible renovation in 2005. So it still looks quite pretty (in my eyes at least - I try to add a photo to this posting).
So much for my first post, i am happy to have found this Dufour-Forum and will be a regular visitor from now on. If there are any questions about me, my Dufour or my sailing-area, do not hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes - Peter

Hi Peter,
Welcome to this forum, we all are very proud that you try to read Dutch! Your ship looks fine and I am sure next summer you will have a lot of fun with it !
We look forward to see you and your ship sailing the Veerse Meer!
Tot ziens,

Hi Peter,
Welcome on board of the Dufour-owners club. Nice yacht you have, looks nice and a lovely yacht for a fresh start.
We sail a lot in Zeeland and probably we will meet on the water. Did you order already a Dufour-flag by Riesmo.

Hello Riesmo and Hans,
thank you for your warm welcome. Yes, Dufourvaarders vlagje is ordered, and if you see my 24 with the vlagje up, just come on in. A cold beer is guaranteed for fellow Dufourvaarders
Tot ziens in Zeeland